Bangladesh’s apparel industry has cemented its global leadership in sustainability and the green fashion revolution with 229 globally recognised eco-friendly factories.
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) head, Mohiuddin Rubel, said that three more RMG facilities in the country had been designated as “Green Factories.” The plants located in Sitakunda, Chattogram; Sepal Garments Limited, Gazipur; and Ananta Huajing Limited, Narayanganj constitute Unitex Spinning Limited (Unit-2).
According to him, Bangladesh’s textile and apparel sector now has 229 ecologically friendly factories as a result of this progress.
Of them, 91 companies have earned the esteemed “LEED Platinum” certification from the US Green Building Council (USGBC), while 124 manufacturers have achieved “Gold,” 10 have achieved “Silver,” and 4 have achieved “Certified” status.
To achieve the US Green Building Council (USGBC) environmental friendly certification, a plant must score more than 80 out of 110 to be awarded the “Lead Platinum,” 60–79 to be awarded the “Lead Gold,” 50–59 to be awarded the “Lead Silver,” and 40–49 to be awarded the “Lead Certified” certificate.
Nine out of the top ten environmentally friendly factories worldwide, and 61 out of every 100, are located in Bangladesh, according to the BGMEA.