‘On-demand manufacturing’ reverses the process of apparel production and gives rise to the idea of smart, technology-driven factories – micro-factories – for apparel manufacturing.
Manufacturing Tech
Manufacturing Tech
Ongoing digitisation of fashion supply chain processes: the only way to meet next-generation consumer demands
Each business needs to continually look at their end-to-end processes – as well as their buyers’ needs – to identify which technologies need to be brought in or adapted, to overcome the existing key challenges quickly.
The apparel manufacturing industry has historically been built around rigid working methods and processes, but these have now become somewhat outdated. In today's landscape, garment factories need to integrate technology into their producti
Manufacturing Tech
A&E and Gütermann Thread Solution – Acquiring perfect seams on suits, jackets, shirts and ties
Team Apparel Resources presents a series of five technical articles based on the premium sewing thread range offered by A&E and Gütermann – a leading high-end thread provider – and its importance in the garment factories. The series ta
Manufacturing Tech
Intertek continues its efforts towards industry’s betterment through customised innovative services
Intertek has been ahead of the marketplace to understand the industry requirements and invest in bespoke service innovations to support industries. Its initiatives have been widely valued by customers across industries and geographies as st
Manufacturing Tech
A&E and Gütermann Thread Solution – Challenges and Solutions in Sewing Stretch Knit Fabrics
In this part of the series by Team Apparel Resources on the premium thread range offered by A&E and Gütermann and its importance in the garment factories, we discuss in detail about the sewing of stretch knit fabrics. With an in-house sewi
With an in-house sewing lab facility and Tech Centre based at Bawal Factory, A&E and Gütermann provides technical consulting services to brands and factories as the lab enables the company to perform R&D and random testing on the threads o
Manufacturing Tech
Intertek Protek – Ensuring health, safety and well-being with the world’s first industry-agnostic end-to-end Assurance Programme for People, Workplaces and Public Spaces
To meet the requirements of the post-pandemic era, Intertek launched Protek in 2020 that is designed for all business areas across all sectors, from manufacturing to retail to public places. Its comprehensive suite of solutions includes fac
Manufacturing Tech
Indian apparel factories go ‘smarter’ with digital transformation efforts on shopfloor
Exposing the hidden factory performance is the first step towards improving the operational performance and profitability of any sewing factory. The same provides an opportunity to not only reduce manufacturing cost but also gain untapped c