Underlining problems, if any, within the industry has to be solved internally, State Minister for Labour and Employment Begum Monnujan Sufian recently called upon the labour leaders to refrain from approaching foreigners with complaints about any problem faced by Bangladeshi garment workers.
“We have to solve our internal problems. Foreigners cannot provide any solution,” Monnujan maintained while addressing the biennial conference of garment federation.
She further added that her Government is always with the workers to preserve their rights and ensure security while assuring that all issues would be resolved through discussions with owners and urged the workers to submit written complaints if they face any.
President of Bangladesh Garment Workers Federation Jahanara Begum presided over the programme, attended by Gazipur City Corporation Mayor Advocate Mohammad Jahangir Alam, former BGMEA President Md. Harunur Rashid, women workers’ leader Nazma Akter and worker leader Asadul Islam Masud, among others.