After the first edition of the HRDD Toolkit was successfully released in May 2023, The Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP) is now releasing an updated version with new guidelines on how its Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) can help support the implementation of required due diligence for human rights.
Many businesses are trying to learn more about how to recognise, evaluate, prevent, and lessen their human rights impacts in a rapidly changing regulatory environment. Companies can identify human rights concerns and track and monitor progress with the use of SLCP assessments, which offer reliable and useful data.
The HRDD Toolkit from SLCP describes how the CAF is helpful for these crucial due diligence procedures. All chapters have been updated in the most recent edition to guarantee that the material is current and applicable. It also goes into more detail about how the CAF might benefit various supply chain participants, how it complies with the new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), and how SLCP complies with the main HRDD principles.
Although the Toolkit outlines how SLCP aligns with new laws in various jurisdictions, such as the EU’s CSDDD and the USA’s ban on forced labour, it also makes clear the boundaries of a general social assessment and identifies the steps that must be taken in order to finish the due diligence cycle. The message is unambiguous: the conforming company bears full responsibility for HRDD, and SLCP is just one of several tools available to businesses to carry out their legal duties.
“The SLCP HRDD Toolkit is a timely and useful resource, as it will help companies to understand how existing tools such as SLCP can support their human rights due diligence implementation,” stated Nikhil Hirdaramani, Partner of the Hirdaramani Group and manufacturer representative on the SLCP Board, in reference to the launch.
The CEO of SLCP, Janet Mensink, stated, “We want to make sure that our stakeholders know exactly how SLCP can assist them in obtaining reliable and useful labour and social statistics for their due diligence efforts. Therefore, we are happy to provide the updated HRDD Toolkit and anticipate that our stakeholders will find it to be a helpful resource.”