Tukatech has upgraded its flagship pattern making, grading and marker making solution with new features including half-size grading, proportional shrinkage, point movement enhancements and auto-guidelines.
The latest release of TUKAcad, which is being unveiled this week, with the top-end Professional Edition aimed at making the entire production cycle ‘digital’. For instance, all pattern and marker files can be managed via Windows Explorer; and all files contain summary information in the thumbnail view.
Multiple files can also be plotted, updated and converted to different formats, and pattern cards can be generated through ‘batch processing’, which does not require the program to be opened or any special software to be used.
TUKAcad is now fully integrated with e-fit Simulator, the company’s 3D virtual sample-making program, and comes pre-loaded with libraries of graded 3D basic block patterns for women, men, and children.
The new tool was recently launched at the Material World & Technology Solutions show in Los Angeles.