US-based Stikeleather Apparel Holdings, which owns and operates Stikeleather, a contemporary menswear label, has acquired White Plum (whiteplum.com), a high quality fashionable women’s clothing retailer.
“When Jon Tullo (MD of Belmont Acquisitions Corp., who advised on the transaction) introduced the idea of acquiring White Plum to me, I immediately saw the vision to move the company to Los Angeles to take advantage of the depth of talent in the garment industry and also the opportunity to create innovative designs for young women that would eliminate the bumps and seams that other closure designs cause in women’s fashion. By combining both companies, I could create scale and increase revenues dramatically,” averred Ian Stikeleather, CEO of Stikeleather Holdings.
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Post the acquisition, Stikeleather is mulling over expanding the current marketing programme, taking the product into retail outlets, adding a children’s line, Sugar Plum, and an upscale line, the White Plum collection, a plus-size line, and adding new products in line with the customer’s interests.