FluoroCouncil, a global organization representing the world’s leading fluoro-technology companies headquartered in Japan, has launched a new best environmental practice guide for textile mills and finishers that use fluorinated repellent products, including durable water repellents (DWRs). Offering advice on questions that brands can ask their DWR goods supplier is available in English, Chinese and Japanese. According to FluoroCouncil, the new guide is a tool to help further minimize emissions/exposure related to the alternatives such as short chain fluorine chemicals. According to a statement from FluoroCouncil, apparel industry leaders are spearheading efforts to reduce the environmental footprint of their products which demonstrates a strong commitment to a sustainable future and producing results. The FluoroCouncil supports this leadership by ensuring the C6/short-chain fluorinated polymers have been rigorously evaluated and assessed by key stakeholders.