Come 1st January 2024, all apparel products from Bangladesh will have a manufacturing tag in Bengali, ‘Bangladeshe Toiri’, meaning made in Bangladesh.
This was revealed by the President of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), which is the apex garment makers’ body in the country.
Work is on to put ‘Bangladesh-e Toiri’ tag in Bengali in export products along with the existing ‘Made in Bangladesh’ tag, reportedly maintained Faruque Hassan, while responding to queries from newsmen during a press conference held recently in Dhaka.
Meanwhile, speaking on the issue of the minimum wage board for the garment workers, the BGMEA chair reportedly maintained that they’ve already submitted three names to the Labour Ministry in response to their requirement and once the concerned ministry forms the wage board and a decision a taken to this end, the garment makers will voluntarily embrace the new pay structure for the apparel workers.