Even as Bangladesh is getting ready to join the league of developing nations, economists and trade experts have called for forming a central committee, comprising specialists from private and public sectors, to devise ways for successfully navigating the post transition era challenges while some of them recommended allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in the textile sector, especially in its backward linkage industries, which they maintain, will help to become more competitive in the global market.
They made these observations while participating in an online discussion recently.
Taking part in the discussions, the President of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Dr. Rubana Huq, reportedly, expressed her dissatisfaction over Bangladesh’s preparation for facing the future challenges even as she, reportedly, raised question on the same.
Who (which public body) is working on it? Reportedly asked the BGMEA President while underlining if there was any central body and went on to add, “Do we have any concrete effort to tackle the forthcoming challenges?”
Dr. Rubana, reportedly, called for forming a central committee immediately to deal with the challenges in trade and economic relations after the LDC graduation.