Kamal Khushlani is one of the most charismatic and dynamic entrepreneurs of the Indian retail space. Since the young age of 24, Kamal has had a keen eye for fashion. Born and brought up in Mumbai, he can aptly be described as a self-taught fashion designer, brand strategist and futurologist. His ambition is to make Mufti India’s first world brand. It’s this vision and foresight that has always kept Mufti ahead of its time and competition. Kamal has built the brand over 25 years from scratch to become one of the market leaders in the men’s casualwear sector. Mufti is a design-led brand that stands shoulder to shoulder with international brands in the Indian market.
Daily Routine
Working, Spending the evening with family, Sleeping
Passion and Hobbies
Travel and Exploration
Europe is my favourite. Driving there is a wonderful experience that is a must-try. Moreover, Europe’s rich culture and history, the beauty of nature combined with the splendid weather conditions make it one of the most preferable travel destinations.
3 Must-Watch Movies
3 Idiots
12th Fail (as they convey
special messages)
3 Must-Read Books
The One-Minute Manager, How to be a Winner, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (they all taught me how to be a better version of myself)
Favourite Cuisine
Dal Bukhara from ITC’s Bukhara
Favourite Car
BMW i7 (Key highlights – massage seats, huge screen at the back, drive quality, unparalleled comfort, electric)
Bucket List
See the Northern Lights, travel to America (never been), especially Los Angeles. I call it the Bombay of the US as the sea is nearby and so are the mountains. Also it is the home to their film industry. That’s another similarity I see.
Define Success
Achieving one’s goals, as long as they are done their own way, doing what you feel is best for the future once the goals are aligned and doing them according to your moral compass.
Role Models
Mainly my mother. But I take learnings from whoever I can. My mother was someone who in the hardest of times never made me feel stressed out. I try to control my reactions to what is needed and keep the spirit of every conversation positive.
Life-Changing Event/Incident
Losing my Dad at the age of 19 was hard. He had a zest for life. Despite being from a middle-class family, he always had an affinity for finer things in life.
Thoughts on AI
Use AI. Don’t be used. AI cannot add the human touch.
Life’s Mantra
Life is not about every breath you take, it’s about the moments that take your breath away.
One Superpower I Wish I Had
Changing people’s thought processes. Bringing people onto the same page is something that requires immense effort. I would like that to become effortless. It would save enough of my time to do more.
Advice to Young Professionals
It takes 20 years of hard work to become successful. Consistently delivering profit every single year, especially through Covid, has been quite satisfactory.
Thoughts on Work-Life Balance
Work hard, life will balance itself.