SGS recently conducted a two-day workshop on Technical Skills for Apparel Professionals and “Practical Approach to Understand Fabrics” in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Though every year SGS organises many workshops and seminars in India, this was the first time when it crossed boundaries and conducted it outside the country.
The program covered important technical aspects about fabric and inspection of garments. Akshay Tholia, Manager, Training Services, SGS India Ltd conducted the entire event and discussed topics related to textiles, its specifications, properties, behaviour of different yarns, fabrics, dyeing, printing and processing techniques. Information about fabric qualities, fabric manufacturing processes, quality control and inspection along with the requirements in the textile industry was imparted to the participants. Most of the participants found the sessions interesting and looked forward to the interactive sessions as they got a chance to interact with the trainer and other participants also.
Almost everybody present at the event appreciated the contents and issues covered at the workshop. Companies like Brandix and Mast were also a part of the event. After the success of this event, SGS now looks forward to organise some more workshops and seminars in Sri Lanka as awareness is the need of hour.
SGS offers training programmes across the country on quality assurance principles, testing, compliance and other related aspects to improve the performance of apparel industry at every level. With more than 48,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1,000 offices and laboratories around the world. The company has just announced its training schedule for the next two months.
The topics for the workshops include both technical and compliance programmes in Tirupur, Mumbai, Bangalore, Gurgaon and Ahmedabad.
The workshops are aimed to keep the industry aware of latest testing procedures and compliance regulations.