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We are pleased to present you our 8th issue of the FashTech Journal, packed with insights revolving technology, retail and sustainability. This issue promises to broaden one’s perspective on the evolving landscape of fashion technology with an intriguing Cover Story on experiential retail stores and their opportunities and possibilities ahead. The other articles of this issue include an extensive coverage on generative AI and how retailers are harnessing it to unlock unique opportunities within the industry and an assessment of how E-textile-based wearables are revolutionising healthcare and medical systems, offering a promising path to a healthier future. Moreover, in the manufacturing segment, we have discussed the pivotal role of connected technologies in driving innovation within the knitting industry, besides also delving into the world of sustainable denim washing, where the industry is making significant strides toward a more eco-conscious future. Last but not least, we are thrilled to feature the perspective of Zahid Ansari, CIO of Forever New Clothing. He discusses the brand’s transformative journey and how advanced retail technologies like POD, CDP, CRM are reshaping the face of the retail and fashion landscape.
Nov 15, 2024 | 1 week ago
Nov 13, 2024 | 1 week ago
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