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We are pleased to present the March edition of FashTech Journal! The Cover Story of this issue delves into the progressive intersection of technology and apparel manufacturing and how AI-based analytics and IoT sensors help factories in effectively monitoring and managing production flows, besides streamlining the supply chain. Also explore the integration of TOC method, Lean and technology which help in reducing the gap between sampling and bulk production.
The issue also features interviews with industry titans like Ashmeer Sayyed, Chief Retail Officer of DaMENSCH, sharing insights on the power of AI, VR and 3D technologies to meet the evolving needs of the market. Similarly, Nishant Poddar, CMO and Head of Retail Experience at WROGN, discusses innovative strategies to bridge the gap between online and offline retail experiences. Indika Wanigabaduge, CEO of Fortis Group, provides a behind-the-scenes look at how his company strategically implements advanced tools and systems to enhance efficiency, streamline workflows to position itself as an industry leader.
Exploring the pressing issue of textile waste, we analyse groundbreaking technologies like Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and chemical recycling, revolutionising sustainability efforts in fashion production. Moreover, we bring for you India’s emerging brands that are not only making headlines but are also reshaping the activewear industry.
Stay tuned for much more including our exclusive tech survey on ‘checkout systems in retail’ , our ‘tech in review’ column on ‘Measureport’ by Babylon, our Martech article on the winning combination of social media and shopping and much more.
Nov 15, 2024 | 1 week ago
Nov 13, 2024 | 1 week ago
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