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If any apparel manufacturing destination has set benchmark in sustainable practices, then it is definitely Bangladesh which is undoubtedly on the top as sustainability reflects strongly at all levels of the country’s RMG industry. Its sustainable initiatives move beyond green buildings and adoption of sustainable/alternative raw materials.
Our Cover Story of this issue deep dives into the greater emphasis on ‘Co-creation of sustainability’ as brands and various stakeholders join hands for collective efforts to grow in this direction. We analyse in-depth the present focus of the industry and how it intends moving ahead by developing its environmental, social and corporate governance capacity. The story becomes all the more relevant keeping in view Bangladesh’s ambitious goals to become more sustainable.
Sustainable Bangladesh is the key to excel in RMG business and it is good to see how stakeholders are supporting this cause with resources and know-how. Though there are many challenges and these challenges need big changes.
This issue also provides an interesting read on how Bangladesh RMG industry is prepared for 3D technology under our exclusive Manufacturing section.
The industry is growing despite all the challenges and our survey on the RMG industry highlights the same. The industry is not only on an expansion spree but also focused on new product categories and new markets.
Don’t miss our other engaging sections like Trends in Focus, Fashion Business, Retail Pulse Global and TFG Australia’s immense possibilities for Bangladesh RMG makers under AO Global Brand To Watch and Campus Sutra’s recent sourcing shift to Bangladesh under AO Indian Brand To Watch.
Nov 15, 2024 | 1 week ago
Nov 13, 2024 | 1 week ago
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