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The October issue of Apparel Online India magazine is dedicated to areas and strategies of growth for baseball caps.
Our Cover Story ‘Baseball caps: Timeless accessory with soaring popularity and prolific business prospects’ provides an interesting read incorporating the views and suggestions of reputed brands, retailers, D2C brands and manufacturers dealing in this niche segment and their exclusive strategies to gain momentum and growth in this evolving market.
When it comes to caps as a product category, China and Bangladesh are far ahead of India, but there are still ample opportunities lying ahead for Indian companies and with their focus on latest technology, product development and quality, these companies can soon surpass their competitors in becoming the market leader in this segment.
With our thrust on sustainability from Day-1 and with a futuristic approach, we keep a constant eye on new developments happening in this direction. ESG is now a need for nearly all types of growing companies and for the development of their leaders. Our article in this issue on ‘ESG: Leadership development seeing organisational growth trajectory’ will motivate the industry more for its implementation.
Storytelling is the need of the hour for brands and we have delved deeper into the same with our special article on ‘Ignoring storytelling could cost crores’.
Besides, there are regular articles encompassing topics like retail, fashion and start-ups. Happy reading to you!
Nov 15, 2024 | 1 week ago
Nov 13, 2024 | 1 week ago
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